NewGen Clinical Care Pharmacy is proud to offer point-of-care services in the Port Richey, Florida area. Our services are designed to provide patients with convenient and efficient care that meets their unique needs. This service includes diabetes management, blood pressure monitoring and management, smoking cessation consultations and programs, substance use disorder consultations, and physician collaboration.
Dr Cleaver is committed to providing each patient with personalized care that is tailored to their individual needs. She understands that every patient is different and requires a unique approach to their care. The pharmacy's services are designed to meet these needs and provide the highest quality of care possible.
What makes the pharmacy's point-of-care services unique is our focus on patient-centered care and collaboration with physicians. The pharmacist works closely with doctors to ensure that patients receive the best possible care and that their treatment is coordinated and effective. Our goal is to provide seamless and comprehensive care that improves the health and well-being of our patients.
Contact the pharmacy today to schedule a consultation and experience the difference that our services can make in your health and well-being.
Contact Information
6709 Ridge Road Ste 306 Port Richey, Florida 34668